About Me

Both wake-up calls and opportunities are born in times like these.

You can be sure of this — Conventional approaches don’t work. Doing the same old thing doesn’t work. That’s good because back to normal and conventional aren’t where we’re headed.

I’m Jeff Meister – Coach. Life Strategist. Small Business Advisor. And I’ve got your back!

My story

I grew up in the Midwest, the “Heartland,” in a typical middle-class family. I was taught to keep my head down, work hard, live within my means, and pursue the traditional path of college and then a good corporate job.

In fact, when I landed a job at Texas Instruments at 22 years old, I wrote the first chapter of my “success” story. Growing up on my side of town, that’s what my idea of success always was. You had “made it” if you worked behind a desk in an air-conditioned office. I thought I was doing pretty well, and I thought I knew everything I needed to know.

Fast-forward to the spring of 2014… I chose to leave my safe, six-figure, successful-by-most-standards, big corporate supply chain job. A lot of people still call these careers, but for me, it had stopped being that years before.

You see, I’m fueled by the behavioral side of us humans in business and life… the “why do we do what we do when we do whatever we’re doing.” If behavioral economics were a thing when I was in school, I probably would have gotten my degree in that.

I thrive on learning and developing new and better ways to do things. Whenever I experience a set-back, I find a solution, then add the lesson to my bag of tricks.

I do what I do because I believe we can change things for the better. It’s simple really, but simple doesn’t always mean easy.

Random tidbits most people don’t know about me…

  • Post-It notes are my favorite tool
  • I’m a dog person
  • My favorite team? The K-State Wildcats, of course!
  • I’ve traveled to 25 countries – and counting!
  • I was kicked out of my high school garage band because I couldn’t keep the beat
  • I’m more of a Fast Company, Inc., Entrepreneur, Forbes kind of guy. You won’t find Harvard Business Review, Business Week, or the Wall Street Journal on my coffee table
  • The well-known mentalist Chetan Parkyn once told me that I’m a “translator.” The kind that helps people who speak the same language understand each other
  • I write a weekly personal growth and lifestyle blog called LifeUntucked
  • And when the rest of the world is zigging, I’ll zag just to be different—I can’t help it.

I’m always looking for a better way to do things. I thrive on the unusual, the counter-intuitive, and the not-so-obvious.

I have a knack for noticing things most others miss. And I tend to see things differently, usually from a slightly different perspective.

Let’s see if we can shake things up a bit.

Looking to gain that winning edge? Let’s talk.

It would be great to get to know you and see if there’s a fit and how I can help.

Connect with me here…

LINKEDINRead my posts on LinkedIn and learn more about my business thinking.

INSTAGRAM — See some of my experimental photography here. You’ll be able to take a look though my eye. I call them “view7 photoshots”… most people see from 1 of 6 views—top, bottom, front, back, left side, right side. Through a lens, I see the world from view7.

LIFEUNTUCKED.NET — I write a weekly personal growth and lifestyle blog, musing about the art of living in this crazy mixed-up world.


Looking for that semi-standard bio? Here goes…

Jeff says the question he gets most often is, “How did you even see that?” And his clients and associates, frequently tell him, “I like how you always seem to find that different angle.”

Jeff believes coaching is about helping people go past where they stopped—where they said, Nope. This is too big, scary, uncomfortable, or whatever. This is where I stop. He’s fueled by our behavioral side in business and life… the “why do we do what we do when we do whatever we’re doing.” Especially when we just can’t seem to help ourselves. That’s where coaching enters in.

Jeff lives outside Washington DC with Lanette, his wife of 25 years, and his cool but slightly quirky dog named Brodie. Besides that, he’s a writer, champion of the underdog, and self-proclaimed ‘noticer.’ His passions circle around learning, creating new things, and seeing the world from a slightly different perspective.

Oh, one more thing… I’m a certified life coach through The Coach Mindset Elite Life Coach Training and Certification, Urbandale, IA – 2020


Client engagement officer
“Brodie” our CEO (Client Engagement Officer)